What is Chiropractic
Chiropractic is a natural healing modality centred around the foundations of assisting your body to function at its most optimal state; free of pain and without the use of any invasive procedures or medications. The premise is simple, your body’s ability to heal and regulate vital functions dependant on your most important organ, the nervous system, being free of any interferences that may compromise its function. Your spine and nervous system are responsible for feeling, movement and all function and healing in your body. A healthy spine means a healthy life!
What to expect
We understand how difficult it can be to know where to start when it comes to getting your health back on track. Whether it's a recommendation from friends or family, a health professional or if you just happened to find us when looking to get well, we get a whole range of people from all walks of life. We want to make sure that you have the best possible experience when coming to visit us, which is why we have created the following recommendations;
1. Free Connection Consultation
This first step is to establish what your health goals are and for us to understand your needs. At this point if we believe we can help, and you are interested in finding out more about your health state, you can schedule a Fundamentals Consult.
2. Fundamentals Consult
Here we establish the fundamentals of your current health state. This involves a thorough review of your health history and detailed Neuro-Structural exam to define your physiological baseline.
3. Foundation Consult
This is the foundation towards your journey to better health! We will discuss the findings of the fundamentals consult and design a catered care plan to help improve your health to a state of well-being. You will also receive your first Network Spinal adjustment (if indicated) as part of this consultation.

Start your healing journey today
If you are tired of never getting the results you are searching for, and you want a new perspective on health, start with our complimentary consultation below and prepare for your health to unfold.