Neuro-Structural Profile
We want to tailor a solution to help you get back on track, using the latest technology, we gain deeper understanding into how well your nervous system is functioning. Like your fingerprint, the way your nervous system is unique to you and is a direct reflection of how well you are coping with environmental stresses and how this may be impacting your health. For this reason, we use advanced technology to help determine the fundamentals of your neurological traits, your internal software, which allows us to adopt a sustainable, long term approach to your healing.
Surface Electromyography (sEMG)
Your body’s communication occurs through electrical impulses that travel to and from the brain via spinal nerves; your Central Nervous System (CNS). sEMG scanning helps determine the strength and balance of these impulses as well as highlight any areas where there may be interferences, which affects the flow of electrical impulse.
Thermal Scanning
Like the sEMG, this non invasive scanning measures the temperature on either side of the spine. When interference occurs in the nervous system, this distorts the way it communicates to vital organs and tissues, including your blood vessels, which is captured as an imbalance in your temperature along the skin. This vital information helps us determine the areas in the spine with greatest interference.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
HRV provides information on how your body is handling stress and how that may be affecting your vital organs, such as your heart. Your heart fluctuates throughout the day in response to changing levels of stress; the ability to shift in response to environmental changes is the bridge to good health. HRV will determine if your heart is experiencing a level of adaptability considered for ideal health and will highlight any deviations, or a lack response associated with a locked-in stress response (fight or flight) and the effect that has on your overall health. Chiropractic care can help restore you HRV and address the underlying causes of your pain and stresses that are affecting your heart health*.
*EFFECT OF CHIROPRACTIC CARE ON HEART RATE VARIABILITY AND PAIN IN A MULTISITE CLINICAL STUDY, John Zhang, MD, PhD,a Douglas Dean, PhD,b Dennis Nosco, PhD,c, Dennis Strathopulos, DC,d, Minas Floros, DC,e
Digital Posture Analysis
Our posture analysis helps you visualise the key stress points in your body and how that may be impacting your physical health. Using proprietary software, your postural photo is taken and analysed to see if your structure has deviated from an ideal posture, which also calculates the cumulative stress (in millimeters and kilograms) that is being added to your spine and joints in the body. Our focus is to address the source of these stresses so that your body can naturally restore itself to its most ideal posture.